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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Stumbling Into Goodness

For me, I find it difficult to talk about Jesus or God without thinking that people might find me a little high and mighty or maybe they think "what's she know?". I agree, I don't know much about different religions, I don't know much about the Bible, I can't quote lines for you, and that's why this is called "stumbling towards goodness". I get so angry with everyone that drives like an a-hole. I will curse and I get easily frustrated when someone doesn't get something. I'll be the first to point out someone's flaws (in my mind) and I can list a hundred things that others have that I want.

But I'm trying and I go to church (currently church-hopping) every Sunday and I know that there is Something out there that I can attach my faith to.

My basic knowledge of Jesus shows me that his teachings are just so naturally good. Ya know? Of course we should love everyone without prejudice and forgive everyone, why would you want to live unhappily?

I hold the worst grudges ever. I still dislike Diana C. from 5th grade because she pulled my hair. But I'm working on it. I thank God everyday for what he's given me and just this little step has helped me see that things that come my way are just that, they come and then they go. It's never perpetual, and you're often better for it.

Please join me in my trek as I stumble towards goodness...

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